Saturday 28 April 2018

Corretora arti forex

Forex Pengertian.
Pengertian Forex (Câmbio Estrangeiro)
Bursa valuta asing (mercado de câmbio) atau disingkat bursa valas merupakan suatu jenis pedagangan atau transaksi yang memperdagangkan mata uang suatu Negara terhadap mata uang negara lainnya yang melibatkan pasar-passar uang di dunia selama 24 jam secara berkesinambungan.
Pergerakan pasar valuta as beringar mulai dari pasar Selandia Baru dan Austrália yang berlangsung pukul 05.00-14.00 WIB, terço ke pasar Ásia yaitu Jepang, Singapura, dan Hongkong yang berlangsung pukul 07.00-16.00 WIB, ke pasar Eropa yaitu Jerman e Inggris yang berlangsung pukul 13.00 -22.00 WIB, sampai ke pasar América do Sul e América do Sul 20.30-10.30 WIB. Dalam perkembangan sejarahnya, banco sentral milik negara-negara dengan cadangan mata uang asing yang terbesar sekalipun dapat dikalahkan ole kkuatan pasar valuta asing yang bebas.
Mengingat tingkat likuiditas de percepatan pergerakan harga yang tinggi tersebut, valuta asing (forex) juga telah menjadi alternatif yang paling populer karena ROI (Return On Investment atau kembalinya nilai investasi yang telah kita tanam) serta profit yang akan didapat bisa melebihi rata-rata perdagangan pada umumnya (biasanya rata-rata retorna berkisar lebih dari 5% - 10% por bulannya, bahkan bisa mencapai lebih 100% por bulannya untuk comerciante profissional). Akibat pergerakan yang cepat tersebut, maka forex juga agora você pode acessar os dados de nossa lista de pedidos de ajuda.
Di bursa valas (valente asing) ini orang dapat membeli ataupun menjual mata uang yang diperdagangkan. Secara obyektif adalah unend mendapatkan profit atau keuntungan dari posisi transaksi yang e lakukan. Di Bursa valas dikenal istilah Lot do Pip. 1 lote nilainya adalah $ 1000 e 1 pip nilainya adalah $ 10. Sedangkan nilai dolar di bursa valas berbeda dengan nilai dólar yang kita kenal de banco bancário. Nilai dolar di bursa valas sangat bervariasi, Rp 6000 / Rp 8000 dan Rp 10.000 (taxa fixa dalam kondisi). Transaksi di valuta asing dapat dilakukan dengan cara dua arah dalam mengambil keuntungannya. Seseorang dapat membeli dahulu (compra aberta), lalu ditutup dengan menjual (vender) ataupun sebaliknya, melakukan penjualan dahulu, lalu ditutup dengan membeli.
Operasi perdaganan forex.
Jika perdagangan barang terjadi secara spot, artinya jika kita membayar hari ini kita akan mendapatkan barang hari ini juga, istilahnya dinheiro e transporte, maka perdagangan forex adalah perdagangan berjangka (futuro), di mana pembayaran terjadi hari ini dan penyerahan barang terjadi di kemudian hari, sesuai kesepakatan. Perbedaan antara pembayaran e penyerahan baril inilai yang menyebabkan perbedaan harga, e um homem sumber keuntungan dari perdagangan forex ini.
Sebagai contoh, kita membeli dollar AS dengan harga Rp. 9.000 pada hari ini untuk penyerahan satu bulan yang akan datang, artinya kita baru menerima dólar AS yang kita beli sekarang sebulan yang akan datang. Nah, o que você acha agora em seulan yang akan datang? Tentu nilai dollar AS bisa saja berubah dari nilai pada hari transaksi, bisa naik, turun atau tetap (Jika misalnya sapi barang kali bisa bertambah gemuk, kurus atau tetap sebulan kemudian). Comprar bilhetes para hotéis em Dólares do Sul da China. 8,000, maka kita akan rugi Rp.1.000, sebab kita membeli dengan harga Rp. 9,000, kini yang kita dapat Rp. 8.000. Sebaliknya, jika sebulan kemudian harga satu dollar AS menjadi Rp. 10,000, maka kita akan mendapat keuntungan Rp. 1.000.
Dalam perdagangan forex yang menganut perdagangan futures, keuntungan dan kerugian itu tidak harus terjadi, selama kita tidak mengeksekusinya. Ini berbeda dengan perdagangan yang menganut para frente di mana eksekusi penyerahan barang harus dilakukan pada waktu yang telah disepakati (dalam contoh kita satu bulan). Eksekusi istilah resmi yang digunakan adalah likuidasi - pada perdagangan forex, bisa kapan saja. Kita lanjutkan saja contoh kita, misalnya, setela sã bulan kita mendapati harga satu dólar AS menjadi Rp. 8.000, berarti kita akan rugi Rp. 1.000 jika kita likuidasi sesuai kesepakatan. Karena itu, kita bisa menundanya, barangkali bebendoapa hari ke depan harga dollar COMO akan naik lagi. Jika seminggu kemudian, perkiraan kita benar harga dollar AS naik menjadi Rp. 10.000 kita bisa melikuidasinya, dan mengantongi keuntungan Rp. 1.000.
Dalam perdagangan forex, dollar, AS sering bertindak sebagai uang, sedang mata uang lain bertindak sebagai barang. Karena kita di Indonesia, maka rupiah akan selalu menjadi uang. Bahkan bisa tiga kali transaksi (arbitragem triangular). Misalnya, kita ingin bertransaksi membeli Yen (bertindak sebagai barang) dengan dollar AS (bertindak sebagai uang), maka transaksi pertama adalah kita membeli dollar AS. Setela mendapat dólar AS kita menggunakannya untuk membeli Yen. Akhimya setelah menjadi Yen, kita harus menggunakannya untuk membeli rupia saat kita akan menggunakan uang kita di Indonésia.
Mata Uang Yang Diperdagangkan.
Pada umumnya mata uang yang diperdagangkan di perusahaan pialang adalah mata uang negara-negara industri yang sangat maju atau yang disebut sebagai mata uang kuat (moeda forte). Sebab mata uang inilah yang pergerakannya sangat fluktuatif, sehingga memungkinkan terjadinya perdagangan.
Daftar Mata Uang yang Diperdagangkan dalam Perdagangan Forex.
Membaca kurs sebenarnya sangat mudah, yaitu dengan mengetahui mata uang mana yang bertindak sebagai barang. Você pode se inscrever para saber como começar a sua busca por um dia ou por um ou vários outros lugares. Contoh:
Preço de GBP 1 = USD 1,5930.
Preço de GBP 1 = USD 1,5933.
Harga jual EUR 1 = USD 1.3945.
Harga beli EUR 1 = USD 1.3948.
Quem somos nós, nós somos especializados em GBP e EUR, assim que pagar, será USD bertindak sebagai uang.
& # 8211; Kalau harga naik, berarti GBP atau EUR menguat dan USD melemah.
& # 8211; Kalau harga turun, berarti GBP atau EUR melemah e USD menguat.
Harga jual USD 1 = CHF 1.2250.
Harga beli USD 1 = CHF 1.2255.
Preço de USD 1 = JPY 104,50.
Harga beli USD 1 = JPY 104,55.
Di sini USD bertindak sebagai barang, sedang CHF dan JPY bertindak sebagai uang.
& # 8211; Você também pode encontrar os melhores filmes no USD a partir de USD e CHF melemah.
& # 8211; Kalau harga turun, berarti USD me1emah sedangkan CHF dan JPY menguat.
Online Forex Trading adalah melakukan trading forex online lewat jaringan internet yang bisa dilakukan dimanapun kita berada. Você não tem permissão para escolher um dos nossos usuários globais, ou seja, definir o seu idioma como um todo para você, mas você pode facilmente encontrar um endereço de e-mail através da Internet para obter mais informações sobre o que você está procurando e onde você pode encontrar o que você está procurando.
Layanan bertransaksi forex secara online ini, merupakan salah satu usaha yang ditempuh untuk memasuki segmen pasar global. Denan adanya terobosan baru dibidang ini, maka setiap trader forex bisa melakukan transaksi kapan saja selama 24 jam não parar dari hari Senin-Jum'at (kecuali hari libur), memantau perkembangan porto fólio, melihat pergerakan harga, melito grafik, dan sebagainya cukup dilakukan didepan komputer.
Perbandingan Alternatif Investasi.
(termasuk sektor riil)
& # 8211; Sulit dikendalikan karena tergantung faktor eksternal.
& # 8211; Ada jatuh tempo.
& # 8211; Sulit dikendalikan sendiri.
& # 8211; Investasi jangka panjang.
& # 8211; Margem de 100% de tertanam atau.
& # 8211; Margem (4-10% dari nilai investasi)
& # 8211; Lado de dois sentidos (dapat mengambil keuntungan baik harga naik / turun)
& # 8211; Dapat dikendalikan sendiri.
Investimentos em Forex Trading on-line (FOT) perlu mendapat catatan tersendiri, karena memiliki banyak kelebihan, dan merupakan Investasi pada masa milenium. Sama seperti investasi di komoditi berjangka karena FOT memang termasuk futura trading investasi di FOT memiliki fasilitas Alavancagem do Two Ways Opportunity, yaitu investidor hanya menyetor modal sebesar margem 4-10% total investasi yang diperlukan, sedang kemungkinan mendapatkan keuntungan bisa datang dari dua kesempatan, yaitu saat nilai tukar mata uang yang kita pegang menguat maupun melemah.
Selain itu, investidor juga dapat secara aktif mengendalikan sendiri risiki investasinya menjadi minimum. Dari segi arus dana juga sama cepatnya dengan komoditi berjangka.
Kelebihan lain investasi Adalah de negociação on-line de Forex:
1. Alavancagem Tingkat. Tingkat alavancar di komoditi berjangka umumnya 20: 1, alavanca tingkat sedangkan di FOT 100: 1.
2. Tingkat Likuiditas. Besarnya volume de negócios por hari di FOT yang mencapai USD1.5 triliun membuat tingkat likuiditas di forex jauh lebih besar dari perdagangan manapun.
3. Waktu Perdagangan. Luasnya jangkauan perdagangan FOT MUITO FABRICANTE COM FERRAMENTAS FABRICADAS FOT 24 jam sehari, tidak ada henti-hentinya, sedangkan waktu perdagangan di saham dan komoditi berjangka hanya 7 jam sehari.
4. Citações gratuitas em tempo real. Di dalam FOT, investidor diberikan fasilitas berupa informasi pergerakan harga yang em tempo real, terus menerus selama 24 jam secara gratis eang dapat diakses dari internet, sedangkan di perdagangan saham dan komoditi berjangka konvensional, tidak memberikan fasilitas ini.
5. Risco Limitado Garantido. Tidak seperti diperdagangan komoditi berjangka yang konvensional, di mana investidor dapat mengalami kerugian lebih besar daripada dana yang disetornya, didalam FOT, investidor dijamin tidak akan mengalami kerugian melebihi dari dana yang disetornya.
Berbagi Info:
Tinggalkan Balasan Batalkan balasan.
Berapa biaya trading forex itu?
Mínimo biaya negociação forex adalah 1 $ por une maksimalnya tidak terbatas.
Ada yg gratis gak?
Ada, corretor forex marketiva memberikan bonus 5 $ bagi setiap yg daftar. Cuma kalo gak pake modal mah untungnya juga gak akan banyak, tapi lumayan lah itung2 sambil belajar forex.

Manajemen Resiko.
Tornando-se sofisticado sobre o risco.
Tagged com inflasi
Outlook do mercado hoje.
Silvio Berlusconi (Crédito da foto: Wikipedia)
Komoditi Emas bergerak menguat pada perdagangan disesi Amerika tadi malam dalam aksi short covering sebelum laporan Jobless Claim Como ele disse o que quer dizer Ketua ECB yang mendorong ekspektasi pada pemangkasan tingkat suku bunga. penguatan komoditi ini tertahan setelah Presiden ECB Mario Draghi mengatakan perekonomian kawasan zona O que você está fazendo agora é uma solução para este problema. Você pode também curtir a oportunidade para ver uma lista completa das próximas fotos em seu idioma desejado.
Mata agora você pode obter a sua própria senha, mas você pode fazê-lo através dos links de moeda disponíveis. Pode consultar a disponibilidade bancária da comunidade para obter uma licença bancária ou solicitar informações sobre este site. Comentários do BCE BCE serta rebaixado de acordo com os dados de seu interesse. Dalam sebuah konferensi pers yang digiar tadi malam paska ECB mempertahankan suku bunga dikisaran 0,75%, Presiden ECB Mário Draghi mengatakan bahwa para pembuat kebijakan mulai mempertimbangkan perubahan suku bunga meskipun konsensus perito kali ini masih mendukung suku bunga tidak berubah. Kisruh politik di Italia turut memicu yield obligasi Italia é o que você está procurando? Compartilhe suas experiências! Türkçe People uma pessoa? Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Email Share to English Share to print Share to Twitter Share to Download Share to Twitter Share to Twitter Share to Google+ Share to Email Share to RSS Share to Skype Share to Twitter Share to Google+ Share to buy Share to your phone Medias dia.
Bursa saham Hongkong begerak menguat tipis pada perdagangan dihari Jumat pagam akhir minggu ini, menguatnya bursa saham ini seiring menanti dados NFP AS yang mungkin akan membro petunjuk pergerakan harga terkait kesehatan ekonomi AS. Bursa saham AS berger menguat tipis pada perdigangan tadi malam setelah klaim tunjangan pengangguran mingguan turun ke nível terendahn bulan ini, membro investidor kesempatan untuk fokus kepada pemangkasan anggaran dan kenaikan pajak sebagai alasan untuk tetap optimis.
Sukai ini:
Outlook do mercado hoje.
Clique para ampliar Emas postado como uma espécie de bergamota de pingüim, pervertido tapi pasti komoditi ini bergerak menguat dengan solid hingga mencapai posisi tertinggi dalam 2 bulan belakangan. Menguatnya komoditi Emas masih dipicu oleh harapan membaiknya kondisi ekonomi global. O que é isto? Ter uma opinião sobre o rafael de dados, você pode acessar todos os dados do seu e-mail com 367K perguntas sobre como obter dados sobre 373K. Sementara itu para o investidor menantikan rilis dados tingkat pengangguran NFP e ISM sektor não # 8211; como AS nanti malam yang diperkirakan akan cukup baik.
Você pode ajudar esta pessoa isolado ou enviar mensagens de texto -0,9%, cobradas pelos cidadãos que vivem ou estão de férias BoE líder da jornada depois da morte no banco de dados da FIFA, que parece ter sido enviado para o banco BoE Adam Posen Bank sentral telah memprediksi inflasi Siga-nos no Twitter Siga-nos no Betwah alvo sebesar 2% pada semestre ke 2 tahun ini. Adam Posen mengepan Keputusan BoE untuk menyuntikan stimulus £ 75 A pada pertemuan Oktober lalu telah membantu sisi concinta, kondisinya akan jauh lebih juk juk banco sentral tidak lakukan pelonggaran kuantitatif dan saya mendukung kebijakan tersebut. BoE akan kembali melakukan pertemuan kebijakan moneter minggu depan untuk memutuskan apakah Inggris masih membutuhkan tambahan stimulus moneter. Mayoritas ekonom predika BoE akan menambah programme pembelian aset sebanyak £ 50 M seiring merebaknya kecemasan resesi.
Bursa saham Hongkong pada perdigangan di hari Jumat pagam bergerak melemah, bursa saham Hong Kong terengo di tengah penurunan yang terjadi di bursa Jepang dan Coréia Selatan. Pergherakan bursa saham Hong Kong pagi ini mulai terachei setelah pada perdagangan kemarin mencapai posisi tertinggi dalam 6 dias atrás belokangan. Ada beber saham yang bergerar bervariasi diantaranya adalah Cheung Kong e Esprit Holdings bergerak menguat, sementara itu HSBC e Petrochina bergerak melemah. Diechangen Indeks Berjangka Hangseng Pada perdagangan harri ini berpotensi menguat tipis.

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Berita Bisnis Investasi.
Akurat dan Terpercaya.
Arti Investasi.

. Contoh investala adalah pembelian berupa activo financeiros seperti obligasi, saham, asuransi. Dapat juga pembelian berupa bar seperti mobil atau propriedade seperti rumah atau tanah.
O lúteo é usado para ajudar os cidadãos a fazerem a transição para o mesin. Bahiana pengian pendidikan dan pelatihan bagi karyawan yang membuat lebih mahir dalam bekerja bisa dikatakan sebagai investasi. Kesamaan dari semua investasi diatas adalah harapan memperoleh keuntungan (ganho) di kemudian hari.
Investir em outras partes do mundo é um investimento financeiro, que pode ser usado em um investimento financeiro, ou seja, em um período de um ano.
Ada drinkingapa kesalahan yang sering dilakukan investor saat melakukan investasi diantaranya:

Belajar Trading Forex.
Anda mau belajar forex on-line? Berikut ini materi belajar negociação forex yang bisa dipilih:
Corretor Forex.
Belajar Forex.
Analisa Grafik.
Cara Profit.
Seputar Forex.
"Bisnis trading forex ini memiliki risiko, selain dapat memberikan keuntungan juga dapat menyebabkan hilangnya sebagian atau seluruh modal anda. Ada orang yang bisa untung, ada pula yang rugi, sehingga trading forex ini belum tentu cocok untuk setiap orang. Jika takut ada penipuan atau haram , silahkan cari bisnis yang tidak berisiko dan sudah jelas kehalalannya. Website ini berisi ilmu atau pengetahuan atau informasi seputar trading forex, tidak ada paksaan bagi anda untuk menerapkan sebagian maupun seluruh materi yang dijelaskan disini, silahkan hanya dijadikan bahan pembelajaran saja, semanal keputusan trading tetap ditangan anda. "
Belajar Forex Trading.
Serius mau belajar forex trading? Inilah panduan cara cepat belajar forex untuk pemula dan siapapun yang mau memulai bisnis forex. Semua materi dalam bahasa indonesia.
Você está em akan e dapatkan dari web siembah ini?
Website ini berisi panduan, petunjuk, tutorial em busca de dinheiro e dinheiro. Tutorial ini gratis dan cocok untuk pemula karena dijelaskan dalam bahasa indonesia sehingga mudah dipahami.
Belajar Trading Forex / Valas.
Apa itu forex? Kata FOREX de VALAS itu memiliki arti yang sama yaitu mata uang asing. Forex itu bahasa inggrisnya, merupakan singkatan dari Câmbio. Sedangkan Valas itu bahasa indonesianya, kependekan dari Valuta Asing.
Tahapan untuk memulai trading forex yaitu Daftar Forex, verifikasi Akun, Instalar metatrader, Latihan trading, Penyetoran modal serta transaksi forex. Nanti kita akan bahas satu persatu setelah anda memiliki gambaran tentang bisnis trading forex ini.
Saat belajar cara trading forex atau cara trading valas, maupun cara principal forex / cara principal valas itu sama saja artinya sedang belajar cara bisnis forex ataupun mempelajari cara bisnis valas. Karena jika kegiatan trading itu dilakukan dengan benar maka akan menjadi sebuah bisnis, bukan permainan dan bukan pula judi.
Ada beberapa hal yang harus dilakukan sebelum memulai trading forex. Inilah langkah mulai negociação forex:
1. Daftar forex untuk membuat akun trading.
2. Verifikasi akun.
3. Instale o metatrader.
4. Depósito atau penyetoran modal.
5. Latihan transaksi di akun demo.
6. Negociação di akun real.
Semua panduan cara negociação forex tersebut sudah kami siapkan di website CaraBisnisforex.
(silahkan klik tombol diatas)
Jika mau belajar forex lebih dalam dari site ini saja maka silahkan klik tumbol mulai dibawah ini.
(atau silahkan pilih menu dibagian atas)
Materiais de ensino básico e de informática na Internet. Sama halnya dengan kata forex dan valas, emas dan gold pun merupakan satu hal yang sama. Emas itu bahasa indonésia-nya, sedangkan ouro itu bahasa inggris-nya.
Antara cara trading emas online dan cara trading forex itu hampir sama, yang beda hanyalah mengenai apa yang diperjual belikan atau ditransaksikan. Jika dalam negociação forex yang diperjual belikannya itu mata uang, maka dalam trading emas itu yang diperjual belikannya adalah emas atau gold.
Sehingga negociando forex, negociando valas, belas negociando emas maupun belajar negociando ouro itu sama prosesnya. Nanti dalam implementasi praktek tradingnya barulah beda, saat trading emas maka yang anda transaksikan adalah emas. Dalam dunia trading lambang emas itu GOLD atau XAUUSD.
Berhubung perbedaan trading emas dan trading fory hanyalah pada instrumento apa yang ditransaksikan, maka baik trading forex maupun trading emas itu bisa dilakukan dari satu buah akun trading.
Dengan memiliki sebuah akun trading pada suatu corretor, nantinya tinggal memilih saja apa yang akan anda transaksikan. Apakah emas atau forex. bahkan transaksi emas dan forex bisa dilakukan bersamaan.
Panduan langkah demi langkah untuk trading emas sudah kami siapkan di website:
Apa yang kami sampaikan dalam site Siembah ini adalah materi belajar trading on-line, dan kami ingatkan kembali bahwa: Trading forex, rading valas serta trading emas ditu memiliki resiko yang tinggi e mungkin tidak cocok untuk semua investor. Selain dapat mendatangkan keuntungan, trading forex emas dan binário ini juga dapat menyebabkan hilangnya sebagian atau seluruh modal yang anda investasikan. Oleh karena itu jangan berspekulasi dengan modal yang anda tidak mampu untuk kehilangan.
Sebelum melakukan trading, anda harus menyadari semua resiko terkait trading forex emas atau valas itu, dan konsultasikan dulu ke penasehat keuangan pribadi anda jika ragu dengan bisnis ini.
Sering ada yang bertanya tentang bagaimana cara trading aman? Perlu diketahui bahwa baik que troca emas forex dan valas itu potensi untungnya besar, namun potensi ruginya pun besar. Oleh karena itu trading yang aman yaitu jika anda menguasai ilmunya, artinya menguasai cara analisanya, juga anda bisa mengatur volume transaksinya dalam arti jumlah yang ditransaksikan disesuaikan dengan besarnya modal yang dimiliki sehingga resikonya bisa diminuimalisir. Selain itu dalam trading harus menggunakan fitur pembatas kerugian (stoploss) agar lebih aman dari kebangkrutan.
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Site tempat belajar cara memulai bisnis serta investasi forex trading.
Kelompok menu belajar forex siembah:
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& # 8211; Ilmu analisa teknikal grafik forex. Yang dibagi menjadi analisa menggunakan castiçal, polaco grafik, indikator. Juga materi belajar analisa forex lainnya.
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& # 8211; Seputar forex menyediakan informasi yang berhubungan dengan trading, seperti: Berita finansial, analisa forex dan prediksi forex.
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Você não é mais jovem ou mais saudável do que ontem.
MetaTrader 5.
MetaTrader 5 plataforma de multi-mercado para o mercado de câmbio de moeda estrangeira para o mercado Forex para o mercado financeiro.
A plataforma de negociação MetaTrader 5 é utilizada para promover os mercados financeiros.
Merupakan sebuah multi-market platform yang memungkinkan para trader un mukukan transatlik di Forex dan Bolsa de valores.
Programa de negócios para os mercados financeiros: negociação, análise (análise técnica e análise fundamental), desenvolvimento e utilização de robôs de negociação, teste de estratégias de negociação, menulis personalizados indicadores técnicos scripts serta. usuários sehingga memperoleh ferramentas de negociação para melakukan kegiatan pada mercado financeiro.
A negociação de câmbio em margem comporta um alto nível de risco e pode não ser adequada para todos os investidores. Antes de decidir negociar o câmbio, você deve considerar cuidadosamente seus objetivos monetários, nível de experiência e apetite a risco. Existe a possibilidade de que você possa sustentar uma perda de alguns ou todos os seus fundos depositados e, portanto, você não deve especular com capital que não pode perder. Você deve estar ciente de todos os riscos associados à negociação de câmbio e procurar aconselhamento de um consultor independente, caso tenha alguma dúvida. Os retornos anteriores não são indicativos de resultados futuros.
A FXCM, L. L.C.® não assume responsabilidade por erros, imprecisões ou omissões nestes materiais. A FXCM, L. L.C.® não garante a exatidão ou integridade das informações, textos, gráficos, links ou outros itens contidos nesses materiais. A FXCM, L. L.C.® não será responsável por quaisquer danos especiais, indiretos, incidentais ou conseqüenciais, incluindo, sem limitação, perdas, receitas perdidas ou lucros cessantes que possam resultar desses materiais. Opiniões e estimativas constituem o nosso julgamento e estão sujeitas a alterações sem aviso prévio. A FXCM é compensada por seus serviços através do spread entre os preços bid / ask.
Negociação na margem berarti bahwa e dapat membeli dan menjual jumlah uang yang jauh lebih besar dari jumlah uang yang tersedia dalam rekening and.
Biasanya margem tersebut adalah kecil berhubung pergerakan harga berkisar & lt; 2% por hari. Dengan margin 2% berarti apabila direkening tersedia uang sebesar $ 10.000, e um dapat melakukan transaksi sampai $ 500.000 yaitu sama dengan mempunyai tingkat alavancagem mencapai 50: 1 (50 x $ 10.000 atau $ 10.000 = 2% x $ 500.000).

kerugian yang besar. Karena itu tidak dianjurkan mengambil alavanca máxima.
Apabila penggunaan margin mencapai 100% e um banco de dados para um banco de dados, onde você pode encontrar um novo membro da sua conta.
Karen tidak mengetahui bagaimana cara kerja sistemnya jumlah besar uang yang melibatkan kegiatan forex (min: US $ 100.000) mudar de câmbio keberanian e enviar uma transação de câmbio, mas isso significa que você está negociando xerox xml feed xml feed xml feed xml feed Negociação de margem de yang por um membro Mais de $ 50.000 em dólares americanos US $ 10.000 e mais de US $ 500.000, em berinjela pinjaman e em kepada.
Seperti pinjaman kredit, maka margem negociando dapat menghasilkan, tetapi juga menjerumuskan anda.
Dimasa keadaan ekonomi yang lesu ini, maka banyak diantara e yang akan mencari cara bagaimana memutar uang (investasi) agar mendapatkan uang secara cepat dan gampang. Perlu diperhatikan bahwa arti “cepat” dan “gampang” mempunyai sifat “relatip”, yaitu tergantung penafsiran masing masing individu.
Risco chave de negociação on-line de ações / Forex.
Sebelum terjun ke dunia saham / forex sebaiknya membaca tutorial berikut ini.
Tentu e pernah berkeinginan menjadi pemilik sebuah perusahaan tanpa harus bekerja tapi dapat menerima dividir apabila perusahaan tersebut mendapatkan keuntungan.
Perdagangan saham (a bolsa de valores)
Perdagangan saham dilakukan di “intercâmbios / bursa”, yang merupakan tempat dimana pembeli / penjual bertemu para menetapkan harga saham.
Sebagai seorang corretor maka anda sering harus mengambil keputusan apakah harus melakukan comprar - vender atau hold sebuah saham?
O salário de um berubah é importante para a oferta de café da manhã.
Apabila lebih banyak orang berkeinginan membeli saham pagam banyak daripada menjualnya maka harga akan naik, sebaliknya bila lebih banyak orang berkeinginan menjualnya daripada membelinya maka harga saham akan turun.
Mengerti fornecer a demanda e adalah mudah akan tetapi lebih susah untuk mengetahui kenapa beberapa saham disukai sedangkan yang lain tidak?
Karir sebagai Corretor atau Trader.
Brokers merupakan agentes de vendas, agência de seguros diretores de compra para empresas de corretagem corretores de seguros Corretores de seguros de direccionamento social e imobiliário Corretoras de seguros, seguros e de compra Corretoras de seguros e de seguros Corretoras de seguros Corretoras de seguros Corretores de seguros e marcas de venda Corretores de seguros para sebuah grande empresa de gestão de investimentos, dan mereka melakukan compra e venda - ou comércio - títulos atas nama administrador de carteira (ou gerentes) di sebuah perusahaan investasi.
• A receita da empresa está crescendo?
• É realmente lucrativo?
• Está em uma posição suficientemente forte para vencer seus concorrentes no futuro?
• É capaz de pagar suas dívidas?
• A administração está tentando “cozinhar os livros”?
Technical analysis merupakan sebuah Metoda Para obter uma resposta correta dos dados fornecidos abaixo.
Selain programa maka yang terpente adalah memilih corretor agar tidak mengalami / meminimaliskan kerugian.
O mercado conservado em estoque = pasar para jual / beli saham, futuros, ligações) obrigasi) opções do dsn Setiap ouang yang mempunyai sebuah - trading conta dapat melakukan transaksi pada instrumentos financeiros tersebut & # 8230; berati setiap orangutan mempunyai kesempatan mendapatkan bagian keuntungan dari perusahaan yang bergerak disemua sektor ekonomi, mengurangi risiko finansial dengan menggunakan kontrak serta derivados financeiros.
Jam buka selama jam kantor de hari kerja saja.
e dapat memilih perusahaan apa saja yang e berkeinginan membeli / menjual sahamnya & # 8230 ;.
comprar a preço baixo.
vender a preço elevado.
Daftar harga saham de Bursa Effek duniainvestasi / bei / Berikut de daftar broker saham di Indonesia para dihubungi dan apakah menggunakan MT5.
Dalam contoh ini maka pada pesquisa de estoque de campo diisi ABDA…. akan tampil sederetan nama & # 8230;.Dari listagem dipilih ABDA jk & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt;
Para investidores, os melhores corretores da bolsa on-line podem ser adquiridos através do site on-line.
Para investidores da América do Norte, você pode comprar um banco de dados para investidores, mas também para os corretores de moeda estrangeira e para outros países.
Beberapa online corretores terkenal karena premiado serviço ao cliente sedangkan yang lainnya karena harga murah atau menyediakan ferramentas de negociação poderosas.
Dengan perkembangan teknologi maka perdagangan di Bolsas de valores dapat dilakukan liwat internet den menggunakan software seperi MetaTrade yang membantu comerciante selain melakukan jual / beli saham juga melakukan analizando preços (gráficos, indicadores técnicos serta vários objetos analíticos.
Usuário menempatkan order (jual / beli) e corretor melakukan transaksi pada Bolsa de Valores atas nama Trader.
Hampir semua fungsi MetaTrader 5 Plataforma de Negociação ada pada mobile trading (uma versão separada do programa para smartphones e tablet PCs permite que você negocie de qualquer lugar do mundo) sempre que precisar.
Plataformas de negociação móvel MetaTrader 5 tersedia gratis e dan didpat didownload oleh siapapu juga.
MetaTrader 5 juga menyediakan:
ferramentas para negociar robôs yang akan melakukan transaksi secara otomatis Membuat Expert Advisors, sera melakukan testing, debug and optimizing Dengan MQL5 Wizard maka mereka yang tidak memiliki programming skills dapat membuat sebuah totalmente funcional Expert Advisor trading sesuai dengan trader's estratégia.
Alternatip lainnya adalah dengan menggunakan Tradestation.
TradeStation merupakan sebuah empresa de corretagem on-line e plataforma de negociação dari.
TradeStation Group, Inc. e TradeStation Securities, Inc. e TradeStation Forex, Inc., manawarkan a plataforma de negociação e análise TradeStation kepada para os comerciantes ativos e institucionais.
Transaksi perdagangannya melampaui semua mercados financeiros lainnya Forex trading tersedia 24 horas por dia através de redes de informação global Tidak saja banks, akan tetapi investidores privados dapat melakukan jual / beli valuta.
Risco chave de negociação on-line de ações / Forex.
Dalam contoh ini maka pada campo conversor de moeda diisi sebagai berikut EUR / USD.
Capital Financeiro: Londres.
Volume médio diário de negociação: US $ 1,854 bilhão.
Porcentagem do volume diário global de Forex: 37%
2. Estados Unidos Os Estados Unidos ocupam o segundo lugar em volume diário de negócios e são o maior país da lista com mais de 300 milhões de pessoas. Os EUA somaram 18% do volume diário global de divisas em 2010, após uma participação de 17% do volume em 2007. A quantidade total em dólares negociados aumentou aproximadamente 20%, para US $ 904 bilhões por dia em 2010, de um total de US $ 745. bilhões em 2007.
Capital Financeiro: New York City.
Volume médio diário de negociação: US $ 904 bilhões.
Porcentagem do volume diário global do Forex: 18%
3. Japão O Japão é o terceiro maior centro de negociação de divisas, com um total de 6% do volume de negócios global de divisas a ter lugar neste país de 128 milhões de pessoas. O Japão também representou 6 por cento do volume de negócios global em 2007, após uma participação de 8 por cento em 2004. O volume total de comércio cresceu mais de 20 por cento, de 250 bilhões em 2007 para um total de 312 bilhões em 2010.
Capital Financeiro: Tóquio.
Volume médio diário de negociação: US $ 312 bilhões.
Porcentagem do volume diário global do Forex: 6%
4. Cingapura Cingapura é a próxima com um total de 5% do volume diário de operações forex do mundo. Este pequeno país de aproximadamente 5 milhões de pessoas teve um volume total diário de US $ 266 bilhões em 2010. Este foi um aumento de um total de US $ 242 bilhões em 2007, o que representou 6% do total do comércio global de forex.
Capital Financeiro: Cingapura.
Volume médio diário de negociação: US $ 266 bilhões.
Porcentagem do volume diário global do Forex: 5%
5. Suíça A Suíça foi o quinto maior centro de negociação de forex em 2010, com 5 por cento do volume global total, o que foi um pequeno decréscimo em relação a 2007, quando foi responsável por 6 por cento do volume diário. Este país europeu de aproximadamente 8 milhões de habitantes é famoso por seu setor bancário e é um dos países mais ricos do mundo com base no PIB per capita. O volume diário total aumentou para US $ 263 bilhões em 2010, de um total de US $ 254 bilhões em 2007.
Capital financeiro: Zurique, Genebra.
Volume médio diário de negociação: US $ 263 bilhões.
Porcentagem do volume diário global do Forex: 5%
6. Hong Kong Hong Kong segue a Suíça como o sexto maior centro comercial em 2010, com aproximadamente 5 por cento do volume diário de negociação forex. Este é um aumento de 4 por cento em 2007 para esta cidade-estado na costa sul da China, que tem uma população estimada em 7 milhões de pessoas. O volume diário total de Hong Kong foi, em média, de US $ 238 bilhões em 2010, o que representou um aumento de 30% em relação a 2007.
Capital Financeiro: Hong Kong.
Volume médio diário de negociação: US $ 238 bilhões.
Porcentagem do volume diário global do Forex: 5%
7. Austrália A Austrália é a próxima na lista, com uma participação de 4% no volume total diário de forex, que corresponde à sua participação no volume de 2007. O volume total de negócios cresceu em torno de 9%, de um total de US $ 176 bilhões em 2007 para um total de US $ 192 bilhões em 2010.
Capital Financeiro: Sydney.
Volume médio diário de negociação: US $ 192 bilhões.
Porcentagem do Volume Global Diário de Forex: 4%
8. França O número oito em nossa lista, com cerca de 3% do volume diário de operações forex, é a França, com seu centro financeiro em Paris. A França também representou 3% do comércio mundial diário de forex em 2007 e viu seu volume total diário aumentar cerca de 20%, de um total de US $ 127 bilhões em 2007 para um total de US $ 152 bilhões em 2010.
Capital Financeiro: Paris.
Volume médio diário de negociação: US $ 152 bilhões.
Porcentagem do volume diário global do Forex: 3%
Bagi e yang bertempat tinggal di Jacarta itu berarti bertransaksi dari hari Senin sampai dengan Sabtu mulai jam 03.00 s / d jam 03.00 keesokan harinya.
Hal itu memberikan kesempatan untuk bereaksi terhadap “últimas notícias” yang akan mempengaruhi pasar valuta. Berita bagus untuk pecandu warnet.
Syaratnya: Buka conta pada corretor de Austrália & # 8211; Jacarta & # 8211; Londres & # 8211; Nova york.
A negociação de câmbio em margem comporta um alto nível de risco e pode não ser adequada para todos os investidores. Antes de decidir negociar o câmbio, você deve considerar cuidadosamente seus objetivos monetários, nível de experiência e apetite a risco. Existe a possibilidade de que você possa sustentar uma perda de alguns ou todos os seus fundos depositados e, portanto, você não deve especular com capital que não pode perder. Você deve estar ciente de todos os riscos associados à negociação de câmbio e procurar aconselhamento de um consultor independente, caso tenha alguma dúvida. Os retornos anteriores não são indicativos de resultados futuros.
A FXCM, L. L.C.® não assume responsabilidade por erros, imprecisões ou omissões nestes materiais. A FXCM, L. L.C.® não garante a exatidão ou integridade das informações, textos, gráficos, links ou outros itens contidos nesses materiais. A FXCM, L. L.C.® não será responsável por quaisquer danos especiais, indiretos, incidentais ou conseqüenciais, incluindo, sem limitação, perdas, receitas perdidas ou lucros cessantes que possam resultar desses materiais. Opiniões e estimativas constituem o nosso julgamento e estão sujeitas a alterações sem aviso prévio. A FXCM é compensada por seus serviços através do spread entre os preços bid / ask.
Biasanya margem tersebut adalah kecil berhubung pergerakan harga berkisar & lt; 2% por hari. Dengan margin 2% berarti apabila direkening tersedia uang sebesar $ 10.000, e um dapat melakukan transaksi sampai $ 500.000 yaitu sama dengan mempunyai tingkat alavancagem mencapai 50: 1 (50 x $ 10.000 atau $ 10.000 = 2% x $ 500.000).

kerugian yang besar. Karena itu tidak dianjurkan mengambil alavanca máxima.
Apabila penggunaan margin mencapai 100% e um banco de dados para um banco de dados, onde você pode encontrar um novo membro da sua conta.
Karen tidak mengetahui bagaiana cara kerja sistemnya jumlah besar uang yang melibatkan kegiatan forex (min: US $ 100.000) mudar de câmbio keberanian e enviar uma transação de câmbio, entrar em contato com a equipe de negociação Forex e fazer parte de sua equipe em breve. Mais de $ 50.000 para fazer um depósito de US $ 10.000 e um depósito de $ 500.000, yang berupa pinjaman e kepada Bank.
Seperti pinjaman kredit, maka margem negociando dapat menghasilkan, tetapi juga menjerumuskan anda.
Dimasa keadaan ekonomi yang lesu ini, maka banyak diantara and yang akan mencari cara bagaimana memutar uang (investasi) agar mendapatkan uang secara cepat dan gampang. Perlu diperhatikan bahwa arti “cepat” dan “gampang” mempunyai sifat “relatip”, yaitu tergantung penafsiran masing masing individu.
comprar a preço baixo.
vender em alta.
Transaksi Forex biasanya dilatada dalam valuta yang populer seperti Os Oito Majores.
Dólar americano (USD) ou “dólar”
Libra Esterlina (GBP) ou “cabo”
Iene Japonês (JPY)
Euro europeu (EUR)
Franco suíço (CHF)
Dólar canadense (CAD) ou “loonie.
Dólar Australiano / Nova Zelândia (AUD / NZD).
O preço é “par” seperti USD / CAD, EUR / USD, USD / CHF, AUD / USD, GBP / USD, NZD / USD, serta USD / JPY.
Traders dapat melalui Forex brokers mengakses mercado de câmbio.
O sistema de controle de acesso a dados da Internet é compatível com a plataforma de negociação MetaTrader 5.
A plataforma memungkinkan internet trading (compra e venda de moedas no mercado Forex)
Bósnia e Herzegovina a análise fundamental é uma análise técnica para o comerciante berusaha Para obter uma cópia da tradução automática do pedido, a pedidos devem estar marcados em & dan; selisih harag beli dan harga jual = o lucro do comerciante.
Sebagai seorang trader maka e selalu harus memperhatikan & # 8220; o pacote total & # 8221; ketika memilih seorang broker selain jeni & # 8220; propaga & # 8221; yang ditawarkan corretor.
Contoh: Beberapa brokers menawarkan excelentes spreads, akan tetapi plataformas mereka belum tentu selengkap saingannya.
Quão bem capitalizada é a empresa? Quanto tempo tem sido no negócio? Quem gerencia a empresa e quanto experiência tem essa pessoa? Qual e quantos bancos a empresa tem relações? Quanto volume transaciona a cada mês? Quais são as suas garantias de liquidez em termos de tamanho da ordem? Qual é a política de margem? Qual é a sua política de rolagem caso você queira manter suas posições durante a noite? A empresa passa pelo carry positivo, se houver um? A empresa adiciona um spread às taxas de juros de rolagem? Que tipo de plataforma oferece? Possui vários tipos de pedido, como "pedido cancela pedido" ou "pedido envia pedido"? Garante para executar suas perdas de parada ao preço da ordem? A empresa possui uma mesa de negociação? O que você faz se sua conexão com a internet for perdida e você tiver uma posição aberta? A empresa fornece todas as funções de escritório de back-end, como P & amp; L, em tempo real?
The Bottom Line.
Mesmo que você pense que está fazendo um acordo ao pagar um spread variável, pode estar sacrificando outros benefícios. Mas uma coisa é certa: como um comerciante, você sempre paga o spread e seu corretor sempre ganha. Para obter o melhor negócio possível, escolha um corretor respeitável que esteja bem capitalizado e tenha um forte relacionamento com os grandes bancos de câmbio. Examine os spreads nas moedas mais populares. Muitas vezes, eles serão tão pequenos quanto 1,5 pips. Se este for o caso, um spread variável pode ser mais barato do que um spread fixo. Alguns corretores oferecem a opção de spread fixo ou variável. No final, a maneira mais barata de negociar é com um criador de mercado muito respeitável, que pode fornecer a liquidez necessária para negociar bem.
1.1. Personalização e 21 Timeframes.
Gráficos na plataforma têm uma variedade de configurações diferentes, para que os comerciantes possam personalizá-los e adaptar-se às suas necessidades pessoais. O MetaTrader 5 suporta três tipos de gráficos: uma linha quebrada, uma sequência de barras e castiçais japoneses. Você pode definir uma cor separada para qualquer item no gráfico para criar o espaço de trabalho mais confortável para o trabalho de longo prazo. Em comparação com a quarta versão da plataforma, o MetaTrader 5 suporta mais que o dobro de períodos de gráfico. Agora 21 prazos estão disponíveis.
O MetaTrader 5 oferece um princípio inteiramente novo de armazenar e passar dados de preços. Na versão anterior, os dados em diferentes períodos foram transmitidos aos terminais separadamente. Agora, os dados são transmitidos e armazenados apenas na forma de barras de um minuto, enquanto períodos de tempo mais altos são construídos com base nas barras de um minuto nos terminais do cliente. Essa abordagem permite salvar substancialmente o tráfego, porque o histórico é baixado apenas uma vez e se aplica a todos os períodos. Depois de baixar o histórico de preços, o terminal só baixará novos dados.
Agora, os gráficos de abertura são muito mais rápidos: a construção de um gráfico de qualquer período de tempo em barras de um minuto leva alguns segundos. Tempos de tempo construídos são armazenados em cache no seu disco rígido. Assim, na próxima vez, o gráfico com este período será aberto imediatamente, apenas novos dados serão calculados adicionalmente.
Trabalhar com o histórico de um minuto também fornece sincronização completa (correspondência) de dados em todos os períodos de tempo, uma vez que todos usam os mesmos dados de um minuto de uma origem.
Outra vantagem de trabalhar com o histórico de preços é que ele é transmitido aos terminais do cliente em uma compressa.
O número de indicadores de terceiros para o MetaTrader 5 é praticamente ilimitado. Um grande número de indicadores está disponível para download na Base de Código e pode ser adquirido no mercado.
Cada objeto tem suas configurações individuais - cor, largura da linha, níveis adicionais - e será exibido em diferentes períodos de tempo.
A escala de tempo precisa pode ser ativada para gráficos; agora, os objetos gráficos não são necessariamente vinculados a barras. Âncoras de objetos podem ser colocadas em qualquer posição entre as barras do gráfico. Além disso, ao alternar entre períodos de tempo, as posições precisas dos pontos de controle do objeto são preservadas.
Um dos novos recursos do MetaTrader 5 é o calendário econômico, que ajuda a realizar a análise fundamental dos mercados. Os indicadores macroeconômicos são atualizados em tempo real. Além disso, os eventos do calendário econômico podem ser facilmente exibidos no gráfico de preços.
Na quarta versão, apenas cinco valores estão disponíveis para cada símbolo em tempo real: Bid, Ask, High, Low e Time. No MetaTrader 5, a quantidade de informações disponíveis aumentou várias vezes. Além das estatísticas do símbolo principal, você pode analisar o volume real e o preço da última transação. Além disso, na aba Market Watch, mais de 20 valores estatísticos podem estar disponíveis para cada símbolo, e todos eles são atualizados em tempo real.
A capacidade de publicar os gráficos on-line foi introduzida no MetaTrader 5. Agora, o terminal permite não apenas salvar capturas de tela em seu PC local, mas também compartilhá-las com outros comerciantes instantaneamente através do serviço especial MQL5 Charts, que faz parte da comunidade MQL5munity. . Se você especificou sua conta MQL5munity no terminal, uma captura de tela será atribuída a ela. Agora, você pode criar sua própria galeria de imagens e gerenciá-la facilmente por meio de seu perfil.
Você também pode compartilhar suas imagens através dos mais populares sites de redes sociais.
A interface do terminal MetaTrader 5 é agora ainda mais conveniente. A janela Navegador permite gerenciar várias operações no terminal, como abrir uma nova conta demo ou anexar Expert Advisors, indicadores e scripts aos gráficos.
2.1. Encontre um servidor pelo nome do corretor.
Outro novo recurso conveniente do MetaTrader 5 é adicionar corretores & # 8217; servidores pelos seus nomes. Com a versão anterior, você tinha que entrar em contato com seu corretor para descobrir o endereço IP do servidor de negociação ou baixar um terminal de cliente especial. Agora, você simplesmente insere o nome do corretor. O sistema localiza automaticamente o servidor com o nome especificado e o adiciona à lista.
Então, você pode abrir uma conta.
Outra conveniência do Navegador é o agrupamento de programas. Os indicadores técnicos disponíveis no pacote de entrega padrão são agrupados com base em seu tipo: indicadores de tendência, osciladores, indicadores de volume e Bill Williams & # 8217; indicadores. Indicadores personalizados, Expert Advisors e scripts também são agrupados em filiais separadas. Além disso, uma hierarquia semelhante à estrutura de pastas em um disco é suportada nas ramificações. Por exemplo, você pode organizar seus indicadores personalizados em subpastas / MQL5 / Indicadores / Meu / MQL5 / Indicadores / CodeBase e assim por diante. Você verá a mesma estrutura de armazenamento na janela Navegador.
Os programas MQL5 comprados pelo mercado são automaticamente colocados no mercado de subcategorias apropriado em Expert Advisors, indicadores personalizados e scripts.
Se você precisar modificar um aplicativo (caso seu código-fonte esteja disponível), selecione-o e pressione Enter. O código fonte do aplicativo será imediatamente aberto no MetaEditor.
Através da forte integração do terminal de negociação MetaTrader 5 com os serviços MQL5munity, diretamente do Navegador, você pode começar a baixar um Expert Advisor, um indicador ou um script da Base de Código em apenas um clique. Um comando especial & # 8220; mais & # 8221; está disponível em cada categoria de aplicativos. A figura no comando indica o número de aplicativos disponíveis para download.
Qualquer Expert Advisor ou indicador pode ser testado em dois cliques usando o comando Test context. O testador de estratégias será aberto imediatamente. A única coisa que você precisa fazer é definir os parâmetros necessários e executar o teste.
No MetaTrader 5, os mecanismos de negociação sofreram mudanças significativas em comparação com o MetaTrader 4. Todas essas mudanças visam melhorar o uso da plataforma de negociação. Com o MetaTrader 5, você pode negociar em qualquer bolsa de valores e através de qualquer ECN. A plataforma MetaTrader 5 já recebeu o status de um fornecedor independente de software (ISV) para várias bolsas de valores, incluindo SMX, GBOT, CitiBank, Currenex, DGCX, Integral e assim por diante. Outros planos visam a integração com as principais bolsas de valores do mundo.
O chamado & # 8220; netted & # 8221; A contabilidade de posições é adotada no MetaTrader 5, que atende aos requisitos de todas as bolsas modernas. O significado de compensação é que, para um instrumento financeiro, apenas uma posição pode existir em qualquer momento. Posições diferentemente direcionadas (compra e venda) não são permitidas.
Assim, se você tem uma posição para comprar um lote de um instrumento financeiro e vender um lote deste instrumento, a posição será fechada. Se você tem uma posição para comprar um lote de um instrumento financeiro e comprar mais um lote, você terá uma posição de dois lotes. Nesse caso, o preço de abertura é recalculado; a weighted-average open price is calculated for the position: (Price of the first deal * Volume of the first deal + Price of the second deal * Volume of the second deal) / (Volume of the first deal + Volume of the second deal).
3.2. Six Types of Pending Orders.
In addition to market, limit and stop orders, the MetaTrader 5 platform supports two more types of pending orders: Buy Stop Limit and Sell Stop Limit. When such an order triggers, the appropriate type of the limit order is placed. New types of orders enhance the possibilities of implementing trading strategies.
A velocidade de realização de operações comerciais é muito importante na negociação. MetaTrader 5 provides the possibility of instant trading in just one click. Esse recurso está disponível na janela Market Watch.
Besides, the one-click trading function allows users to quickly close positions, delete pending orders, as well as Stop Loss and Take Profit levels in the Trade tab.
MetaTrader 5 provides efficient tools for trading from the chart for traders working manually. Each chart has a removable panel for performing quick market operations.
3.5. Modification of Trade Levels on the Chart.
MetaTrader 5 provides the opportunity to change the price of pending orders, as well as of Stop Loss and Take Profit orders directly on the chart. Now, seeing the current situation in the market, you can easily drag a trade level using your mouse in the desired area and then adjust its value more precisely.
As compared with MetaTrader 4, in the fifth version of the platform, traders have more opportunities to implement multiple trading operations at a time. With the previous version, traders could have the error “Trade context is busy”, for example, when trading using multiple Expert Advisors simultaneously. In MetaTrader 5, the trade context is wider allowing to send up to 16 trade requests to the server without waiting for the result of their processing.
3.7. Execution of Operations on the Stock Exchange.
Through the integration of the MetaTrader 5 trading platform with other systems, now traders can access the leading exchanges around the world. The system allows the direct execution of trade operations in external trading systems (straight-through processing). Trade operations are executed without an intermediary broker (in the Non-Dealing Desk mode).
An integral part of stock trading is the Depth of Market (DOM). In the DOM, a trader can see the current requests that are really present in the market, as well as see his or her own trade requests. In MetaTrader 5, trade operations can be executed right from the Depth of Market.
3.9. Additional Execution Terms.
For each trading operation, a trader can specify additional terms of execution by the broker, Fill or Kill (FOK) or Immediate or Cancel (IOC). In the FOK mode, the requested operation should be performed in the specified volume. If the volume of the security is not available in the market, the request should not be processed. The IOC mode implies that the trading operation can be performed for the maximum volume available in the market within the volume specified in the order. If the request cannot be filled completely, an order with the available volume will be executed, and the remaining volume will be canceled.
Currently, mobile trading is becoming more and more popular. Traders often need to have access to their accounts 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from anywhere in the world. The mobile part of the MetaTrader 5 trading platform is in step with the times. The MetaTrader 5 mobile terminals for iPhone and Android are available to traders absolutely free of charge.
One of the most important functions of the mobile terminals is the option of receiving push notifications. Push notifications are short text messages that can be sent to mobile devices from the PC version of the client terminal, and from various services of the MQL5munity. Such notifications are never lost, and arrive immediately, regardless of whether the application is running or not.
The MQL5 language provides a special SendNotification function, which allows MQL5 programs to send push notifications. Also the terminal allows you to create signals for alerting you of events in the market. One of the event notification types is push notifications.
Push notifications can also be used to obtain information about the updates on the MQL5munity site. To do this, specify your ID in the user profile in the Contacts tab.
The Toolbox window, which was available in the fourth version of the terminal, now provides even more functions.
Now the trader can see the summary information about the state of assets for all open positions.
As already mentioned in section one, MetaTrader 5 now has the calendar of economic events. Macroeconomic indicators are available for more than 10 leading economies of the world, and are updated in real time. All events can be displayed on the charts of the appropriate currency pairs.
MetaTrader 5 is tightly integrated with the MQL5munity services for traders.
The market is a store of MQL5 applications, where anyone can buy a product to use in the terminal. For your convenience, the Market service is integrated into the client terminal.
The list of purchases and downloads is conveniently represented in the Purchases tab. The downloaded/purchased applications are automatically sorted by their type in the Navigator, from which you can run them.
4.4. Base de Código. The Toolbox window also provides access to the huge base of free MQL5 source codes. You can download and run any code directly from the terminal. Just drag an Expert Advisor, an indicator or a script to a chart. The code will be automatically downloaded, placed in the appropriate folder, compiled and run on the chart.
5. Testing and Optimization.
One of the most important and expected updates in MetaTrader 5 is the multicurrency strategy tester. Now, traders have unlimited possibilities for testing and optimizing the Expert Advisors that trade several symbols.
5.1. Advanced Testing Report.
MetaTrader 5 provides an expanded report on the EA testing results. It includes additional statistics, allowing to better evaluate a trading strategy. Now, you can analyze the recovery factor, the Sharpe ratio, position-holding time and many other characteristics. Over 40 characteristics are available in the tester report.
The graphical component of the testing report has also been expanded considerably. In addition to balance and equity graphs, the tester visualizes the time distribution of position entering and profit/loss (hourly, weekly and monthly):
The Strategy Tester of the MetaTrader 5 terminal uses only one price-simulation mode in testing — the generation of ticks on the basis of the available one-minute data. Using the M1 timeframe in the tester allows for a very accurate simulation of the price movement with a minimum number of errors, in contrast to the simulation of ticks based on higher timeframes in MetaTrader 4. As a result, the errors in the modeling of prices in the MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester are trivial, and the differences between the simulated price and the real price can only be within the scale of a one-minute bar.
MetaTrader 5 has four modes of testing: every tick (the most accurate method), one-minute OHLC (testing on the bar support points), open price only (a rough method for rapid testing), mathematical calculations (for mathematical computations in the strategy tester without the use of historical data and generation of ticks).
5.4. Custom Optimization Criterion.
In MetaTrader 4, the trader was able to optimize an Expert Advisor by one of the five available criteria. In the fifth version, one more standard criterion is available (the product of the balance and the Sharpe ratio). However, the main new feature is the possibility to use a custom optimization criterion. By selecting the Custom max value in the tester settings, you can optimize your Expert Advisor by the maximum value returned by OnTester().
5.5. Optimization Cache and XML Report.
The testing results are stored by the terminal into a special cache of results (which is an XML file), for a quick access to them when they are needed. During a test or an optimization, for each set of input parameters the terminal searches the result cache for already available results from the previous runs, in order to avoid re-runs. If the result with such a set of parameters is not found, the agent is given the task to run the testing.
Since the optimization result cache is a standard XML file, you can analyze it in external applications (for example in MS Excel).
5.6. Automatic Download of History and Synchronization of Timeframes.
The MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester provides the availability of all the necessary historical data. Before testing, it downloads all the available historical data for the required symbol. This is done only before the first run. Further, only the new data are loaded. If during testing, an Expert Advisor (a multi-currency one) requests data for other symbols, they are also automatically loaded from the trade server.
MetaTrader 5 offers the new forward testing mode. Forward testing is a re-run of the best optimization results on a different time period. Esse recurso permite evitar ajustes de parâmetros em determinadas áreas de dados históricos.
To make the EA testing conditions close to real, use the Random Delay mode in MetaTrader 5. From the moment of request sending till its execution the price can change. Depending on the deviation set in the order, it can be executed at the current price (if it is within the deviation) or a requote can be sent. Testing in this mode allows you to correctly code processing of such situations.
5,9. Multi-Threaded Optimization.
The Strategy Tester is multi-threaded and allows the use of all available computer resources. Testing and optimization are carried out using special computing agents that are installed as services on the user’s computer (one agent on each core). Os agentes trabalham de forma independente e permitem o processamento paralelo de passagens de otimização.
You can connect an unlimited number of remote agents, that are the agents installed on other computers, to your strategy tester. Use the special application MetaTester to install testing agents on each test computer in your local network, and then connect them to the strategy tester in one client terminal. The agents will receive computation tasks over the network and return the results to the client terminal. Thus, you can significantly expand the capabilities of parallel computing, and several times accelerate the optimization process.
5.11. MQL5 Cloud Network.
The MQL5 Cloud Network allows organizing the exchange of computing resources between those who need them, and those who can provide idle CPU time of their computers. With the MQL5 Cloud Network, a trader can use the computing power of thousands of agents around the world. Optimization, which would take several years if using only one computer, can now be run in a few hours.
In addition to using the MQL5 Cloud Network, you can provide your CPU computing power in the network and earn money. To do this, you do not even need to install the MetaTrader 5 client terminal. Download the specially created installer that allows you to quickly and easily install MetaTester, an application for managing remote agents on the computer. After a simple setup, you join the MQL5 Cloud Network and start earning. Statistics on the use of the network and your earnings for the CPU power provided is conveniently collected in your profile on the MQL5munity website. Information about agents will appear in your profile immediately after they fulfill their first task.
5.12. Ease of Agents Management.
You can easily manage testing agents via the context menu. In a couple of clicks you can enable/disable any type of agents: local, remote or MQL5 Cloud Network. Also, here you can control connected remote agents, as well as import and export configurations of agents.
5.13. Mathematical Calculations.
The features of the strategy tester combined with the possibilities of the MQL5 Cloud Network are not limited to testing and optimization of Expert Advisors. The “Mathematical Calculations” testing mode allows you to perform any calculation. In this mode, the strategy tester does not load or use the price history and information about the symbols, but simply performs calculations, calling the OnInit(), OnTester() and OnDeinit() functions. Mathematical computations are useful for calculating an extremum of a mathematical function, whose value should be returned from OnTester(). Optimization is conducted for finding the maximum value of the function.
Better to see once than hear a hundred times. In the strategy tester, you can analyze optimization results in visual mode. Here is the two-dimensional visualization of the optimization. The darker the shade of green, the higher the value of optimization criterion is.
The visual testing mode allows you to visualize exactly how the Expert Advisor performs trade operations during testing on historical data. The visualizer is also available in MetaTrader 4, but in the fifth version of the terminal, its functionality has been greatly expanded. First, the visualizer was available only separately from the terminal. Now it runs as a separate process. Trade operations are not only displayed on the chart of the symbol tested. In separate tabs, you can follow the current account balance, open positions and current orders, the history of trade operations, as well as a detailed log.
Each time you start an Expert Advisor in the strategy tester, you can create your own data array. This data set can be saved using the FrameAdd() function in a special structure called a frame. During the optimization of an Expert Advisor, each agent can send a series of frames to the terminal. All the received frames are written in the file *.MQD in the folder terminal_directory/MQL5/Files/Tester named as the Expert Advisor. They are written in the order they are received from the agents. Receipt of a frame in the client terminal from a testing agent generates the TesterPass event that can be handled using the OnTesterPass() function. This allows dynamically processing the results of optimization without having to wait for its completion.
5.17. Acceleration Usng OpenCL.
A number of calculations performed in Expert Advisors can be carried out using video cards due to the native support of OpenCL in the MQL5 language. Modern video cards contain hundreds of small specialized processors that can simultaneously perform simple mathematical operations with incoming data streams.
Using OpenCL in MQL5 applications can accelerate testing and optimization of Expert Advisors hundreds of times. Test agents (local, remote or cloud ones) automatically select the fastest calculation method: CPU or video card.
For example, calculation of the well-known Mandelbrot Fractal is performed a hundred times faster using OpenCL compared to CPU.
6. Integration with MQL5munity.
The MetaTrader 5 client terminal is tightly integrated with the MQL5munity. The MQL5munity provides unique services to traders and developers.
Right from the terminal, you can purchase any ready-made application in the store of MQL5 programs. Before purchasing, you can download a trial version and test it in the strategy tester.
Anyone can become a seller in the Market service. You only need to submit an application. After the registration of your Seller status is approved, you can sell your products and earn money.
The powerful distributed computing network is available for testing and optimization of your Expert Advisors in the strategy tester. Thousands of optimization sessions can now be performed in a few minutes. In addition to using the network, you can provide your own computing capacities and earn.
MQL5 Storage is a personal storage of source codes integrated into the MetaEditor. It allows you to keep your code safe and access it from anywhere in the world. MQL5 Storage stores the entire history of changes to the uploaded files, which can be viewed at any time. In addition, you can revert to any previous versions of a file.
With one click, you can download and run any code published in the Code Base section of the MQL5munity site. Just drag an Expert Advisor, an indicator or a script to a chart. The code will be automatically downloaded, placed in the appropriate folder, compiled and run on the chart.
allows users to subscribe to trading signals from professional traders, get them directly in their client terminal and execute trade operations based on them.
Various useful articles on the MQL5 programming language and the platform have been published on the MQL5munity website. Find the required article in the convenient list of subjects and descriptions that is available in a separate tab of the Toolbox window right in the MetaEditor.
MetaTrader 5 allows traders to publish their screenshots online via the MQL5 Charts service. Your screenshot can be automatically published online right after you have made it. You will also get the link to share your image via one of the most popular social networking websites.
If you have specified your MQL5munity account in the terminal, a screenshot will be assigned to it. This will allow you to create your own image galleries and manage them via your profile easily.
The built-in programming language has always been one of the most important parts of the MetaTrader trading platform. Application development is not just the MQL5 programming language, whose undoubted advantages will be proved below, but this is also the editor in which you work with the source code. MetaEditor 5 provides a lot of new features that were unavailable for MetaTrader 4 users.
As in the previous version, MetaEditor can only work within its own file system sandbox, the /MQL5 folder inside the data folder of the terminal. For better convenience, each type of source file has its own directory (Experts, Indicators, Scripts, Include and so on). The structure of folders and files that store executable programs (Expert Advisors, indicators and scripts) is displayed in the Navigator window of the client terminal.
MetaEditor 4 includes a wizard for creating Expert Advisors allowing to generate templates for developing various applications. In the fifth version of MetaEditor, this component has been significantly redesigned. Its new name is the MQL5 Wizard. It still allows you to create templates of programs that are already properly designed and contain the necessary event handlers. However, the main new feature is the possibility to generate ready-to-use Expert Advisors. The trader must choose which signals the Expert Advisor will use, its money management strategy and the way it will be protected from losses (type of trailing stop).
MQL5 Storage stores personal MQL5 source codes. It is designed for the versioned storing of files and project management directly from MetaEditor in a handy manner.
The source code is stored in a secure remote repository, which can be accessed through your MQL5munity account. In case of hard disk failure, your local copy of codes can be quickly restored from storage.
You can access your storage from any computer. Just log in using your MQL5munity account in MetaEditor. You can work with the storage using the convenient context menu of the Navigator window.
7.4. Fast Compilation of C++ DL L.
Many developers use third-party DLLs when developing applications in MQL5. With MetaEditor 5, you do not need to use MS Visual Studio for compiling DLL. The editor supports standard cpp and h-files and compiles them as easily as the MQL5 source code. If MS Visual Studio is installed on your computer, its compiler is used. Otherwise, the required files are sent to a special compilation server via a secure connection. After compilation the ready DLL file is sent back to you.
Like with the MQL5 source code, all compilation results, including errors and warnings, appear in the Error tab of the Toolbox window.
7.5. Intelligent Code Control.
MetaEditor 5 provides various tools that allow you to speed up the process of code writing, make navigation easier and prevent errors.
Snippets. For ease of writing code, MetaEditor provides the possibility to insert snippets, small template fragments of source code describing a particular construction of the MQL5 language. Insertion of a snippet is initialized by typing the keyword.
Autosubstitution of Function Names. It is the possibility to view the variants of names of built-in and custom functions, constants, variables, class members, keywords and so on to insert when writing code. The variants of names are determined by the first characters typed.
Tips on the Function Parameters. With this feature, the developer does not need to read the documentation of every function when writing code. When describing a function, just press a certain key combination and the MetaEditor will display a hint with the function parameters and types of these parameters.
List of Functions. In the MetaEditor, you can view the list of all functions declared in the current file and quickly move to any of them.
A well-structured and correct design of the source code makes work with such a code much easier. A carefully formatted code looks professional. MetaEditor provides the Styler Function. Any code can be transformed into a well-designed one by a single click. The formatting rules used in the styler have been developed by professional programmers with years of experience.
Compared to version four, MetaEditor 5 provides wider opportunities to highlight different elements of the source code (keywords, function names, variables and so on). Each user can create individual code highlighting.
The previous version of the editor does not support source code files in Unicode. This causes problems when viewing and compiling files that contain characters, which are not supported in the current locale of the operating system. In MetaEditor 5, this problem is completely solved. Any source file can be saved in the Unicode format using the standard editor features, and then you can work with it and compile it with any language of your operating system.
The MetaEditor 5 focuses on the maximum ease of the programming process. The routine operation of inserting the resource file into the program is performed with a single command.
When developing a program, you often need to access a variety of information. MetaEditor solves this problem by integrating with MQL5munity. Articles and source codes published on mql5 are conveniently tabbed in the Toolbox window. However, for a really effective use of available information, a search system is required.
MetaEditor 5 includes the global search system.
Without exaggeration, everyone who used the MetaEditor 4 wanted the debugging function. The appearance of the debugger in the fifth version has raised the development of MQL5 applications to a new level. All standard functions are available for debugging applications.
Breakpoints. Place breakpoints in the source code lines, where the process of program execution must be interrupted to study the behavior of the program.
Watching Expressions. Follow the values of any expressions during debugging in a separate tab of the Toolbox.
Call Stack. Watch the call stack during debugging.
Step-by-Step Debugging. Use the commands of the step-by-step debugging: Step Into, Step Over and Step Out.
One of the many planned features in the MetaEditor 5 is project management. This will facilitate the work by structuring the developer’s programs.
Debugging in MetaTrader 5 has greatly simplified the work of programmers. But, MetaEditor 5 has another powerful tool for source code optimization. Code Profiler detects all application bottlenecks.
Compared with MQL4, the speed of execution of the MQL5 code has increased 4 to 20 times! The speed ​​of execution has almost reached the level of the C++ language, so in MQL5, you do not need to use third-party DLL to speed up calculations. In fact, the lack of DLL improves application security.
With MetaTrader 5, you can enjoy a new high level of protection of executable files of MQL5 programs (ex5). Protection against decompilation has increased due to the following factors: new, more complicated encryption algorithms, file integrity checking (checking that the file has not been changed after compilation) and the greater complexity of the language. Programs that are sold through the Market service are additionally encrypted and bound to the user’s hardware (computer configuration), which further protects them.
The syntax of the MQL5 language is very similar to one of the most popular programming languages, C++. Therefore, it is easy to learn, and you can easily translate programs from other modern programming languages into MQL5. MQL5 is object-oriented and allows you to take advantage of this programming approach – encapsulation and extensibility of types, inheritance, polymorphism, overloading and virtual functions.
8.4. Classes and Structures.
MQL5 supports complex or abstract data types: structures and classes. They are used to describe not only the object, but also the model of behavior. The fact that the object is responsible for its own behavior greatly simplifies the task of programming for users of this object.
The MQL5 language provides processing of a number of predefined events. Only three events are available in MQL4, while in the fifth version, 13 types of events can be handled, including the events of application initialization and deinitialization, the receipt of a new tick, change of price data and depth of market, timer events, trade events, events of testing, optimization and actions with charts.
8.6. Management of Charts, Objects and Resources Directly from MQL5.
You can manage all the chart properties, add, modify and delete objects from the chart directly from MQL5 applications. When combined with the possibility to handle events of interaction of a user and a chart, you can create graphic panels of any complexity.
In addition to working with built-in objects, you can use your own graphics and sound resources.
In MQL5 the number of indicator buffers used is unlimited, whereas in MQL4 you can use no more than eight buffers.
Also in MQL5, you can develop indicators which are based on the values ​​of other indicators. In the fourth version of the platform, an indicator could be built based on another indicator only through a special option in the interface of the client terminal. In MQL5, you can pass to an indicator any handle of another indicator as the input data array price[].
8.9. A Huge Standard Library and a Lot of Examples. The standard delivery of MetaTrader 5 includes a large standard library written in MQL5. It makes program development easier, providing easy access to the MQL5 functions. The standard library contains classes for organizing data, working with files, strings, graphical objects, charts, indicators and trade classes.
Also, MetaTrader 5 includes many examples of the source code of all types of applications (Expert Advisors, indicators and scripts).
8.10. OpenCL Support. MQL5 has native support for OpenCL. To use all of its benefits, you do not need third-party libraries. Simply use specialized MQL5 functions. The OpenCL language is used for performing computations on video cards that support OpenCL 1.1 or higher. Modern video cards contain hundreds of small specialized processors that can simultaneously perform simple mathematical operations with incoming data streams. The OpenCL language organizes parallel computing and provides greater speed for a certain class of tasks.
9. Services for Traders and Developers.
An integral part of the MetaTrader 5 trading platform is the MQL5munity. In addition to the site where traders and developers can find useful information and discuss issues related to MetaTrader 5, MQL5munity provides participants with a variety of unique services.
The MQL5munity has its own secure payment system which is used in all the community services. You can deposit money to your account via WebMoney and PayPal, as well as using a credit or a debit card. Withdrawals can be made to a WebMoney or a PayPal account. All transfers are made through a secure encrypted SSL connection.
9.1. Empregos. The Jobs service is useful for both traders and programmers. If a trader needs to implement any trade idea, but does not know how to program in MQL5, he can always contact a professional developer. On the other hand, the developers have an excellent opportunity to capitalize on their knowledge.
The Job service has a user-friendly interface, allowing you to place a public order and choose the most advantageous offer from the programmer, or publish an order for a specific developer. The process of executing the order is divided into several steps that include confirmation to help avoid misunderstandings and disagreements between the customer and the developer.
The service was launched two years ago, and about 1,300 jobs have been fulfilled since then.
9.2. Mercado. The Market service is an open secure site for buying and selling MQL5 applications. The Market is available online at the MQL5munity site and can also be accessed directly from the client terminal. All the applications that are offered for sale are additionally protected. When downloading, the application is encrypted and bound to the configuration of your computer.
9.3. MQL5 Storage. MQL5 Storage for source code is designed for the versioned storing of files and project management directly from MetaEditor in a handy manner. With MQL5 Storage, you can access your source code from any computer using an MQL5munity account. If you are working on different computers, you can easily synchronize the source codes and always work with their latest version.
9.4. MQL5 Cloud Network. The MQL5 Cloud Network allows organizing the exchange of computing resources between those who need them and those who can provide idle CPU time of their computers. With the MQL5 Cloud Network, a trader can use the computing power of thousands of computers around the world. Optimization, which would take several years if using only one computer, can now be run in a few hours.
9.5. Sinais MetaTrader 5 Trading Signals is a service allowing traders to copy the trading operations of a Signals Provider. Any trader can subscribe to signals and follow the strategy of an experienced trader. The service is absolutely secure; each Signals Provider is registered in the public monitoring system containing the detailed information about the provider’s trading activity.
Any trader can subscribe via the Toolbox window of the Signals tab in MetaTrader 5 client terminal.
If you are a successful trader and would like to make money using your experience and skills, you can register as a provider in the Signals service via the MQL5munity web site. The trading account is connected to the monitoring system where the detailed information about it will be displayed. The account will be included in the list of available trading signals both on MQL5munity and directly in the trading terminal.
In this article, we have tried to list all the key features of the MetaTrader 5 platform. Of course, the functionality of the trading platform is even wider. MetaTrader 5 provides a full range of tools necessary for successful trading in financial markets. It should also be noted that the development of the trading platform continues and its opportunities keep expanding. We keep up to date and follow the development of the industry, communicate with the leading stock exchanges, brokers and, of course, traders to provide the best trading platform for you.

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